Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hammer, Hammer, Hammer the Kings; Trawl Away, Drag Away, Throw Away the Kings

Obviously, the draggers don't feel any compunction about dragging away (and throwing away) Alaska's threatened stocks of king salmon.  Although the take is half of last week's, it is still an outrage. 
No cap is yet in place for Kings.  Although the NPFMC has passed a 25,000 cap of Kings, it does not apply to this year's catch.  Kiss your King salmon good bye!

That the Golden Fleece doesn't lead the worst offenders is surprising. But then they specialize in destroying tanner crab. The Kodiak vessel Caravelle continues her reign as a worst offender in halibut and king salmon. O'Donnell has been heard to claim he doesn't alter his behavior in the face of observers. If true, he is either an especially dirty dragger, or the rest of the fleet is gaming the hell out of their observer coverage.  Come to think of  it, where is the rest of the fleet?  Unobserved!



Anonymous said...

What's really stunning is the 1300 tons of arrowtooth landed this week with only 5 observed tows from 1 boat.

Anonymous said...

Business as usual.

Anonymous said...

They caught alot less kings this year. Was that a result of more fishing days and a slower season or did the longer season and co-oping allow them to game their observations even easier?