Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dirty Dozen Halibut Trawlers

NOAA sources (http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/2011/pscinfo.htm) show that the GOA non-pelagic draggers are continuing to damage halibut stocks at unacceptable levels.  The Chellissa, bottom dragging for pollock, is thus far the worst offender, killing 31 % of her total pollock poundage in halibut.  Fishing this dirty is criminal behavior.  The fact so few of these drags are observed more than likely means this wastage of the halibut resource is only the tip of the iceberg.  
Arrowtooth is a worthless fish, "This is the nastiest fish I have ever tasted!" (http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/alaska-flatfish-pudding-now-wal-mart-near-you), for which the highest price fish in the GOA is being wasted.  Apparently draggers can make a dime off of it by delivering the bycatch of other species like cod, to support fishing arrowtooth.  
The NPFMC will not consider halibut bycatch at their June meeting in Nome, but have moved to consider alternatives to push back halibut bycatch by 5, 10, or 15%. http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/npfmc/current_issues/halibut_issues/halibutPSCmotion411.pdf  Obviously these proposed reductions to halibut bycatch are far too small to have any real effect on the decline of halibut and the criminal waste of this high value resource.
  1. Chellissa  dragging pollock  took 31% halibut in 6 observed tows
  2. Pacific Star dragging arrowtooth took 17% halibut in 9 observed tows
  3. Cape Kiwanda dragging cod took 16% halibut in 3 observed tows
  4. American No 1 dragging arrowtooth took 15% halibut in 5 observed tows
  5. Caravelle dragging arrowtooth took 13% halibut in 7 observed tows
  6. Ocean Alaska dragging arrowtooth took 11% halibut in 7 observed tows
  7. Michelle Rene dragging cod took 10% halibut in 16 observed tows
  8. Miss Sarah dragging cod took 9% halibut in 3 observed tows
  9. Sea Mac dragging cod took 9% halibut in 13 observed tows
  10. Vaerdal dragging rex sole took 8% halibut in 18 observed tows
  11. Ocean Alaska dragging arrowtooth took 8% halibut in 11 observed tows
  12. Peggy Jo dragging cod took 8% halibut in 15 observed tows
Keep yer flippers wet.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to research this. The koolaid drinkers over at deckboss are pretending bycatch doesn't exist and that it is greenies not fishermen who are upset.

Anonymous said...

Salmon bycatch is nothing compared to Halibut. Night fishing they are bringing up tow after tow that reflect the worst of these numbers.

Anonymous said...

I will be there to give public testimony. Many more are needed even if just a letter sent in as public testimony. The council is no longer infected by the majority of trawl and foreign processors as in years past. Let us all work together to punish filthy trawl fishers who continue to work with no regard for their actions. NPFMC MEMBERS PLEASE STOP THIS INSANITY AND GIVE US THE CLEAN FISHERY WE DESIRE....

Anonymous said...

I'll be there. Loud and Proud.

Anonymous said...

I jig for cod in Kodiak and am just appalled at the waste which I see at my processor from their two draggers...I release all of my small cod unharmed...they deliver theirs to be sorted...two Falls ago there were 80 totes of "waste fish"(too small to fool with) and 20 which were kept for processing out of 100 totes delivered...those 80 totes, at 1000 pounds apiece 80,000 pounds of miscellaneous juvenile babies to be ground up for fishmeal!!

No wonder I get paid so little for my cod...I am being used to make up the difference for their wastage and, at the same time, losing future fish due to their carnage...of course, the processor says "the cod are only worth so much". I am frustrated severely, I can assure you of that. In April of this year (2011) i talked to a guy who was on a trip on one of the draggers mentioned in this story and they brought up a huge amount of mangled king crab!! I hope to live long enough to see this end, take a look at the sterns of these draggers, a good portion of the new arrivals are from Newport, Oregon where they have devastated the grounds there to near-extinction. Wake up, Alaska, get rid of these strip-mining monstrosities! Give us local, resident small fishermen more quota so that we can make a clean, honest, respectful, green fishery.

Anonymous said...

Next thing U know they will (TRAWLERS) continue to mess up the ecosystem on the Northern Bering Sea without regard to where the Sea Life, Plants and their habitats they depend on to survive for the next THOUSAND years. Specifically those that have had a dire need for the healthy resources each year.

Anonymous said...

get the lead out