Tuesday, August 13, 2013

East Coast--West Coast--North Coast, Same Story, NOAA Drags Its Feet On Conservation

"The government is threatening to derail the efforts to protect groundfish and other depleted fish populations, like river herring. The New England Council meets Wednesday, and government leaders need to work to turn overwhelming public sentiment into regulation as opposed to throwing a wet blanket on the will of the greater fishing community."

Read the whole story: http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120620/OPINION/206200310

Keep yer flippers wet.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Worth A Read

As traditional fishermen lose their grip on the resources they have depended upon for  generations and the big money interests go for the brass ring, enemies emerge from unexpected places and the fight for survival hardens.


Keep yer flippers wet.